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KDE 4, thin or fat?

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 6:49 AM

Everybody likes those sleek icons, lovely wallpapers and wonderful GUI of KDE. But the negative side is, KDE is well known leak in memory consumption. Even 256 MB of RAM on my PC running Ubuntu Gutsy still not enough. I think 512 MB or even 1 Gigs will do fine jobs. Imagine KDE like a fancy car with all unecessary yet confused button on the dashboard, with 4000 CC shipped on the bonet. It has great power, but it needs more gas too.

How about the new version of KDE 4? By testing the Live KDE 4 on my laptop, i end up with this conclusion : KDE is now thinner. The reason for the decline in memory of KDE4 is it provides great improvements in almost all areas of the environment. Only a system (kwrapper) consumes more memory than is currently in KDE 3.5 was the case. The largest savings of nearly 50 percent was performed by kdeinit. Also, the elimination of various applications, such as artsd in saving memory.

Have any experience on KDE 4? Post your comment below.

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  1. 4 komentar: Responses to “ KDE 4, thin or fat? ”

  2. By Anonymous on December 12, 2007 at 12:40 PM

    This is awesome! It is great to see that people in open source software can reduce memory and resource consumption while still making something that looks so much nicer and is more powerfull. Looks like Microsoft is just not capable of doing this, just look at how terrible Windows Vista is and how much more bloated it is. I guess the future realy is in open source as so many say.

  3. By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on December 13, 2007 at 1:01 AM

    Think of this : In Microsoft, there are thousands of engineers working for, but in opensource there are millions of free engineers working together releasing new version of software or trying to fix bugs. No wonder it only takes a few years to release a 3D desktop like compiz or beryl in opensource world while it takes decade in microsoft world with their Aero style in Windows Vista.

  4. By Anonymous on December 14, 2007 at 3:14 AM

    Hm, you seem to be getting your graphic from here:

    It might interest you to know that the original author has actually retracted his findings here:

  5. By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on December 14, 2007 at 7:05 AM

    That was quite interesting. After i finnish trying the new KDE 4 live CD. I was trying to google around and there was the image source found. Thank you for the link.

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