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Distribution Release : Damn Small Linux 4.2

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 1:22 AM

Robert Shingledecker has announced the final release of Damn Small Linux 4.2. Damn Small Linux / DSL was originally developed as an experiment to see how many usable desktop applications can fit inside a 50MB live CD. It was at first just a personal tool/toy. But over time Damn Small Linux grew into a community project with hundreds of development hours put into refinements including a fully automated remote and local application installation system and a very versatile backup and restore system which may be used with any writable media including a hard drive, a floppy drive, or a USB device.

With Damn Small Linux you can :
  • Boot from a business card CD as a live linux distribution (LiveCD)
  • Boot from a USB pen drive
  • Boot from within a host operating system (that's right, it can run *inside* Windows)
  • Run very nicely from an IDE Compact Flash drive via a method we call "frugal install"
  • Transform into a Debian OS with a traditional hard drive install
  • Run light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram
  • Run fully in RAM with as little as 128MB (you will be amazed at how fast your computer can be!)
  • Modularly grow -- DSL is highly extendable without the need to customize
Give it a spin, start download the new version right now. Or, buy the CD here

Manga Download Using Bash

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 10:19 PM

There are plenty of site that allows you to read manga online, but you have to tolerate for the slow access and ton’s of heavy loaded ads. You can’t download the manga directly using batch download provided by wget or any download manager. but if you know how to do bash script, you could somehow download them.

Those online site usually store manga in jpg format, with name of some patterns, and stores in the same folder. If you manage to know the first image filename and the last image filename in a particular folder, you can download them using seq command with bash do loop. Let say the first image and the last image’s name is in this format:

You can guess, the images between them should be 001, 002, 003 until 104. Therefore a simple bash script will looks like this:

for i in `seq -f"%03g" 1 104`
wget -c "$i.jpg"

Seq allows you to define printf like formating by specified with -f, %03g is actually tells seq I got three digits, fill the blank digits with 0, and the range is from 1 to 104. After that, use wget to download them. Simple isn’t it?

You can run bash script under windows platform too if you have cygwin installed. But bare in mind, not all manga are downloadable with this technique. Certain site pad the image’s filename with some random characters, that prevent downloads by this simple script.

Sourced from : Linux By Examples

Linux Tips : Su and Root, The difference

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 8:47 AM

Why bother? when i type su at the console and give administrator rights, i go on my own. But wait, it is wise to understand the philosophy behind this.

There have been questions , what is the difference between “su” and “root” . . well, the difference is minimal but still very important.
As you login as “root” right from booting the system, all the privileges are set to root, what makes your system more vulnerable to your own mistakes and those wishing to enter your system. As you login as normal user, the privileges are limited, thus it´s safer. To be able to do administrative tasks you can temporally login as root using “su” in a console/terminal, that way the root privileges are limited to the actions you do in the console ( and the applications you start from the console ). So the rest of the system is still in “normal user” mode, and this makes it safer. We do use the same password for “su” and “root”, but once you are logged in as normal user, typing “root” in console/terminal will only give you “bash: root: command not found...

Sourced from :

Awesome screenshot, What a linux desktop could be.

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 5:34 PM

I was wondering about linux user around the world and how they polish their desktops. Im googling around and surprised for the result. Linux desktop can transform into whatever the user

wanted to. It can be A Mac OSx like, or even Windows XP like. Amazing. The creativity is the limit. Here are some screenshots :

You can even get huge collection in flickr or google images by filling linux desktop in search box.

Source : Taimila.Com Lynucs.Org

USB Flash Disk won't mount in Ubuntu Gutsy : Fixed.

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 2:51 AM

I have 2 kinds of USB flash drive. One is Sandisk 2 GigaByte and the other is PixelView 512 MB. None of these disks are mounted on my Ubunty Gutsy. I tried every USB port in my laptop and PC. Still won't work. The error messages was :


** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: read default option 'usefree' from gconf strlist key /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options
** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: Mounting /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_E0FD_8510 with mount_point='DAN LENSKI', fstype='', num_options=6
** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: option='shortname=mixed'
** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: option='uid=1000'
** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: option='utf8'
** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: option='umask=077'
** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: option='exec'
** (gnome-mount:1378): DEBUG: option='usefree'

** (gnome-mount:1378): WARNING **: Mount failed for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_E0FD_8510
org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdh2, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

The weird thing is, if i try to mount it as a root in command line, it works. But that was too tedious. I don't want to type mount command everytime i plug my drive. After doing some search i found the fix here. It is a bug in gnome-mount and we simply just remove 'use-free' option in gconf-editor.

Safe Computing against your child : Linux might be the answer

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 1:47 AM

Imagine that you got three lovely cute and growing children, and you got only one PC at your home. You went to your office as usual and went home late at night. You turn your PC on. Logging in to your account and suddenly.... Hey..!!! Where is my data? Where is my MS Office?. Your data is lost and your MS Office is uninstalled. By who? Needles to say, your children did the job. They accidentally erased your files and uninstall your software.

That is just and illustrated story if we are in the Windows world. Since it has no protection against file rights. Files is just files. They just wrote to your hard drive with some information like its size, last accessed time, and the type of that files. In Unix and Linux world, all hardware and software are treated as files. Look under directory /dev and you will see huge list of hardware list over there.

What about protection? In Linux world we got something called file permission. It ensures that only the right user can read, write, or execute the files. Give an ls -l command in the console and it explain a lot.

Here is the output on my console :

salon@Presario:~$ ls -l
total 835508
-rw-r--r-- 1 salon users 539079 2007-11-11 20:14 118262253_fb1db4700e_b.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 salon users 109954 2007-11-07 10:41 22030-Ubuntu-Smooth-Splash.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 salon users 52973 2007-11-07 10:31 36907-Blu.xpm.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 salon users 212215 2007-11-04 23:46 4x4offroads-12-1280.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 salon users 235112 2007-11-04 23:48 4x4offroads-16-1280.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 salon users 217260 2007-11-04 23:48 4x4offroads-17-1280.jpg

Notice that rw-r--r-- sign. What the hell is it? For easy understanding read carefully below :

rw- means that the owner of the file, in this case salon has the right to read and write the file
r-- means that all of the groups member, in this case users group, can only read the file
r-- means other than the owner and the groups members can only read the file

You can also modify the bit by using chmod command. Issuing command chmod 700 (somefiles) would change the permission so only the owner of the files can access it. But i don't like back to DOS world by typing those commands. Easy, just fire up Nautilus and right click to the file you want to modify. Choose properties and click permission tab. Change it the way you like.

So now you just change the permission of your data folder and you don't have to worry again. Good Luck.

Hey !! I can see what inside that ISO's !!!

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 4:39 AM

I can't find any solution to see what inside of ISO file until i know the power of "mount" command. Simple tips does magic !!! We used to burn the ISO or used some burning tool like Nero or xCDroast in order to know the content of the image. With this little command you can mount your ISOs and place to anywhere you want, in flash drive for example. Here is the trick :

  • Log in as super user ( su ) or use sudo command
  • Create a mount point eg: mkdir /mnt/iso
  • Issue this : mount -t iso9660 -o loop .iso /mnt/iso

That's it !!! Explore your extracted ISO in /mnt/iso with nautilus ( if you use Gnome ) or Konqueror / Dolphin ( if you use KDE )

Tired of those typing commands? try Kiso , a nice GUI tool to create, edit, and see your ISOs

Creating a swap file

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 9:16 AM

Sometimes there is a case you can't make a swap partition in linux. Perhaps you've got a tiny size partition on your linux box because of that greedy vista in size. Now we're going to make just a swap file, like windows do.

Swapping on file is easy, but it has one lack. It is slower than swap partition. But if don't care about the calculation, read on.

First, make a file on your own. 256 M, 300 M, 512 M or whatever. Feel free to decide.

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/500Mb.swap bs=1M count=512

a little explanation : if means input file, since we create a file from nothing then we look for zero device under directory /dev . While of means output file.

format the file as a swap filesystem by using command :

sudo mkswap /mnt/500Mb.swap

That's it. You already have an active swap filesystem. Issue a free command if you find yourself curious.

One last trick, in order your linux automatically read it at boot time is to put a line in your /etc/fstab file.

gksudo gedit /etc/fstab ( use your prefered editor )

add this line below to your /etc/fstab file

/mnt/500Mb.swap swap swap defaults 0 0

Tip : Choosing The Right Distro

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 10:39 PM

People who are new to Linux® are often confused by the large number of distributions to choose from. One of the things that is very confusing to new Linux enthusiasts is the "distro," or distribution. And one of the most confusing things about distributions, for the beginner, is that there is no official definition of what a distribution is, exactly: distributions existed in many forms long before anyone cared. Based on Distrowatch , currently there are 367 distro released on the earth, errrgh.. that's sound confusing. Fortunately, we can ignore most of them. Just pick up one of these 5 big distribution for your daily productivity. They are in alphabeticaly order :

Hey, where is my Debian? Well, Debian is also a popular distro, and it's also have it's 'grandchild distro' like Mepis, Ubuntu and etc, but it's consistency in making a good quality software makes they often late for releasing new versions of the distro. While others reach a high version number of development release, Debian is still in version 4.

Besides those 5 large distribution, You may consider the following for making the right decision :

1. Support
Pickup one distro for example Ark Linux and try googling it. How many discussion forum talking about Ark Linux you got? How active are they? How fast can you get an answer if you post a question there? How about the official product support? Are they still live?

2. Documentation
I found that every large distribution offers documentation in so many languages. OpenSuSE gives a goog translation so did Ubuntu. The Docs usually can be on installation disc. Please explore the docs first before you go to installation.

3. Installation / Update Tools
How do i install sofware in linux? is it as easy as 'click next' as in windows world? Can i upgrade a distribution without a mess? Yes, you can ! Nowadays that 5 big distros has bundled its software management, and software installing and uninstalling will be simple and easy even for newbies. Let's see what we've got here. OpenSuSE hast its YaST2, Ubuntu and Debian alike has apt, Fedora and all rpm based sofware has RPM. You don't have to messed up with all of those dependencies problems.

4. Kernel Version
The newer the kernel, chances are more detectable for some newer hardware. This is important issue as not all the hardware vendor release their driver in linux version. Bug fixes should also be done in the newest kernel, so you won't be worry about any security problems as these guy in the kernel developers work hard for releasing new version.

5. If you still affraid :
You have sooooo many ways just to taste linux. Try something called liveCD distro. Linux got tons of this kind. Say Puppy Linux ( it's very small distribution ) Damn Small Linux, Ubuntu Live CD, Knoppix ( First LiveCD distro i ever know ). In most cases, it gives a personal experience in linux since you don't have to install it on your hard drive. Just boot and run linux live from your CD or DVD drive. Another option is USB drive. Visit Pendrivelinux for more

Determine what kind of file

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 9:10 PM

In Linux, file extensions are not nessesary nor do they alway tell you what type of file you have. You may have a text file named hot.jpg for instance. One way you can determine what type of file you have is the file command. Supposed you also have a graphic file named hot2.jpg. Issue following command and see what the ouput tells you... :

file hot.jpg
file hot2.jpg

Default Compiling

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 9:03 PM

Just in case you're downloading a program in tarball and gzipped. Why would we want to download the source? First of all, it can be more flexible for those who are familiar with source code. And, with source code on hands, we can customize the installation eg: Put the installation directory in some other place, make the flag and tell the program about hardware we use and also because of the nature of the linux community, virtually all of the software available for it is available in source code format. Most of it is in Tar-Gzipped Form.

In order to install software, simply follow these steps:

1) type `tar -xvzf FILENAME' (It should expand into a directory of the same name)

2) Go into that directory
3) type `./configure' (A script will execute that will check your system and prepare to compile)
4) type `make' (Begin compiling)
5) type `make install' (Installs the files in the correct place)

And that's it! You have a fresh new installed piece of software ready to go.

Development Release : NetBSD 4.0 RC3

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 3:22 AM

Pavel Cahyna has announced the availability of the third release candidate for NetBSD 4.0: "On behalf of the NetBSD Release Engineering team, I am happy to announce the availability of NetBSD 4.0 Release Candidate 3. This release candidate has several bug fixes and other changes since the previous release candidate - RC2. The most important ones are: build of the 32-bit sparc64 kernel is fixed, allowing the sparc release to be built; many fixes to nfe(4) and bge(4) drivers; fixed PR 37037 - kernel memory corruption due to ipnat; support for the HP ML110 G2 / Adaptec 2610SA SATA RAID added to aac(4); fix of an off-by-one error in OpenSSL; avoid kernel crashes in signal handling (PR 37004) and Linux emulation (PR 36920); fix ACPI related interrupt storms due to differences between IOAPIC and classic interrupt routing." Here is the complete release announcement. Installation CD images for a large number of architectures are available from the NetBSD mirrors; quick links to the i386 and amd64 images: i386cd.iso (242MB), amd64cd.iso (165MB).

Linux Tips: Find files containing text

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 10:21 PM

Because of our being forgetful in nature, we oftentimes forget the files that we have created. We can only be fortunate if we can still remember the path, folder, or directory where we have stored those missing files. If that's the case, it would never be a big deal then. However, trully this a big problem and even painful if we can't even remember where we have placed the missing files in our computer. "Simple," I'm hearing you... "find it." Yeah, we can find it. But wait, do you know the filename?

Forgetting files and forgetting the filenames are most common in us. I will never believe somebody out there have a photographic memory and has never experienced missing some of the files he had created before. For sure, we all have gone through that frightening experience especially if the file that is missing is so precious to us.

In Windows, this problem can easily be addressed just by using the find or search tool in the Start menu. Can you remember some texts or phrases in the filename? Use "find files with names" and unleash the power of the wildcard character (*). For example, if you can only remember the word "statistic" in the filename, then search for "*statistic*" and that will search for files with the word "statistic" in the filename. "I can't even remember a word in the filename," again I can hear you saying that. Well, I don't think you can't even remeber even a single word in the file content itself. If you can't remember even a word or phrase in the filename then go for the file content itself. In Windows, still you can search for files containing some texts that you specify in your "find files containing text" input box. That will absolutely solve your problem of forgetting words in the filename itself.

However, if you are in Linux, the whole thing would be more different and complex than it is in Windows especially if you are just a normal user dependent on the GUI interface. Linux is more on executing commands from a shell.

So if you are a normal user and that you are facing the "missing files" problem in Linux, don't worry, I will show you the most common methods in solving this issue:

Find files that contain a text string

grep -lir "text to find" *

The -l switch outputs only the names of files in which the text occurs (instead of each line containing the text), the -i switch ignores the case, and the -r descends into subdirectories.

Find files containing search terms on Ubuntu

To find files containing keywords, linux has a powerful command called grep, which you can use to find the lines inside any file or a list of files.

grep -i -n 'text to search' *

List files containing text

Used to recursively search a directory for files containing a string, output the names of the files and the line number. This will search all regular files in for .

grep --with-filename --line-number `find -type f`

Straight To Linux, You got no windows.

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 9:30 AM

Don't waste time, start using linux along with millions of people around the world. Straight to the point. You got to do these 4 things up :

  1. If you have a fast internet connection, start downloading the latest iso from one big distribution : Fedora, SuSE, Ubuntu, Mandriva. These are the most popular distro at the moment. Or, if you don't, buy cheap CDs on and for indonesian.
  2. Install the penguins. Start your productivity machine. Linux comes with bundled of thousands of programs, and it is all free.
  3. Launch Firefox. This is the fastest browser on the earth. Surf the net, start googling any words that contains linux.
  4. If something messed up, don't worry, you're not alone. There are so many forums focusing on linux today.
Are you Linux ready?

Start Your Linux Experience now.

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 8:56 AM

An operating system is what makes the hardware work along with other application softwares. The OS is the interface that allows one to do various things on one's computer. Linux is a Unix-like operating system for computers. Linux is freely available to everyone. In order to learn Linux one has many options. Many institutes provide the certification courses and also the course can be done online.

This operating system is used for a wide variety of computer hardwares, including desktop computers, supercomputers, mobile phones and routers. As a server platform, it has been adopted worldwide during the last two decades. Many software companies have embraced this new operating system along with Microsoft operating systems. Through the process of embedding, Linux can be incorporated directly into microchips. Linux is available in various versions or distributions. A person can choose the version of Linux that is easy to install, configure and use.

To learn Linux, one needs to be clear of some basic concepts. The most important thing is to know what exactly Linux is. Basically, it is an operating system; but it is only the kernel that is called Linux, the rest of the OS is made up of GNU tools. A Linux distribution consists of a package with the kernel and the other needed tools. Some of the popularly known variants are Mandrake, SUSE, Gentoo and RedHat. Also, one needs to understand files and folders. Knowing what is a root and knowing how to open a command shell are the next steps in learning Linux operating system.

At the time of its creation, Linux was based on the MINIX operating software. But in order to make Linux kernel compatible with the components from the GNU project, some changes were done by the creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds. Thus, in this manner Linux became a complete, functional and free operating system. Since then, commercial vendors and non-profit organizations like Red Hat, Novell and others have come up with various new and advanced versions of Linux operating system.

The main thing to keep in mind is that one needs to get a well recognized certification for Linux operating system. This certification is provided by various non-profit organizations and commercial vendors. The certification allows Linux skilled people to demonstrate their skills to their prospective employers. To get the Linux certification one needs to clear certification exams conducted by these entities. The organizations have different courses and the certification exam varies accordingly. Getting a certification in Linux operating system can give a shape to IT professionals as Linux is touted to be the next big thing in the IT industry.

Gutsy Gibbon Finally release..

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 4:24 AM

Cheers... Lets party... The time has finally come. For those who can't wait may download from ubuntu server directly. Just laucnh your best download manager and point at For server in Indonesia you may visit Kambing , or Foss-id for repositories. For shopper freak, there is only one destination at Bali .

The Next Version of Ubuntu

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 11:06 PM

1 Day to go to Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon and Ubuntu announced their next version of Ubuntu. As in fridge said, this next version have The Hardy Heron as its code name. As a periodically release, The Hardy Heron supposed to be the easiest without unnecessary complexity distribution. As far as i know, ubuntu provide the best for their end user, especially in their new release Gutsy Gibbon. Many Features added in Gutsy, such as improved Hardware Detection, Compiz Fusion for 3D Desktop Effects, Office Productivity Suite, Games and Many More.

In the next version of ubuntu, Everyone is welcome to participate, everyone is welcome to get involved, and everyone is welcome to help shape the form of the Hardy Heron. Participants would log in to

The Great Wubi..

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 7:25 AM

Yesterday i messed up my linux box, i couldn't boot up into my lovely ubuntu. Well, I can do computing stuff in Windows Vista since i have dual boot system. But i miss that penguins! Even i couldn't boot from cdrom drive, i also tried but nothing succeed. I tried googling the whole web until i found this great programs on . The main concept is Wubi adds an entry to the Windows boot menu which allows you to run Linux. It's easy and simple, just download the programs from download area, after that click on it and follow the instructions. And the great news's absolutely free.....

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