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KDE 4, thin or fat?

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 6:49 AM

Everybody likes those sleek icons, lovely wallpapers and wonderful GUI of KDE. But the negative side is, KDE is well known leak in memory consumption. Even 256 MB of RAM on my PC running Ubuntu Gutsy still not enough. I think 512 MB or even 1 Gigs will do fine jobs. Imagine KDE like a fancy car with all unecessary yet confused button on the dashboard, with 4000 CC shipped on the bonet. It has great power, but it needs more gas too.

How about the new version of KDE 4? By testing the Live KDE 4 on my laptop, i end up with this conclusion : KDE is now thinner. The reason for the decline in memory of KDE4 is it provides great improvements in almost all areas of the environment. Only a system (kwrapper) consumes more memory than is currently in KDE 3.5 was the case. The largest savings of nearly 50 percent was performed by kdeinit. Also, the elimination of various applications, such as artsd in saving memory.

Have any experience on KDE 4? Post your comment below.

Just Funny... (Pic)

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 3:42 AM

Geeks... Why don't use GEdit or Kate?

Linux Rulesss....!!!

Or BSD Rulesss ?????

Tux Everywhere..

What the heck? Damn you arrrgghhh....

Suck ME more..

We're brothers right?

Hold on, i'm trying to crack some database..

Nice tattoo anyway, but why don't you put it somewhere, on your butt maybe?

Monkey have run away..


Yes they can live happily side by side. One in /dev/sda1 and other in /dev/sda2..

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